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New Start


It is also displayed on a Torah cover as depicted wearing it in the image below. giA Study done on the Gemara gate depicted in the fron or inside the book a victorian design gate.

ong development of work this project looked at the Vilna gates on the front cover of the Talmud and created a replicaion of it through sc

As part of an ongiong development of work this project looked at the Vilna gates on the front cover of the Talmud and created a replicaion of it through sculpture, 3D modeling and painting.

The sculpture was shown an Nox 

And the painting was awarder the Mulswelbrook art prize finalist

and as a performative work seeing how the images is placed in an Australian landscape

A few Hundred images together with their descriptions of birds and plants decorate a large, white Victorian design gate. Draping down from the arches of the gate are navy blue velvet cloths with gold tassels. Above the arches are two lions laying down facing towards the gate. Two Victorian design plant pots are placed on a plinth on either side of the gate holding plants from the surrounding parkland. The gate is situated between the field of the environmental park and the endangered species of the park. The gate invites the viewer to walk through and read the information about each plant and animal inhabited by the environmental park.


The Vilna Gates embossed and printed on the cover and front page of the Talmud, (the books that Hassidic Jews study every day) represent the passage way through one world of ‘what you know now’, the ‘educated’ and invites the reader into a world of knowledge, study and education, the world of the unknown the world to be discovered. For this reason, prints of the endangered plants and trees have been added onto the gate to educate the viewer about the parkland.


The positioning of the gates between the oval and the Environmental park, adds to the idea of two different worlds, one of what you know and the other of what there is to be desocver


The positioning of the gates between the oval and the Environmental park, adds to the idea of two different worlds: First, the oval where everything is known - and its purposes are self-evident - where you can see everything clearly and represents the world of order and certainty. Second, the parkland with all the complex bush and shrubs that shows in contrast a world of the unknown and chaos. Through educating oneself on the plants, animals and bushland printed onto the gates, this causes the viewer to observe the chaos through the sculptured gate, which has represented education for Hassidic Jews, and come to an understanding of the natural order of life. This project aims to combine my Jewish Heritage with the indigenous land we inhabit.

Yos on a Bridge. 

Acrylic paint, Crayon, Alcohol markers on watercolor 300gsm paper. 
295 x 395 mm


Yos on a Bridge. 

Acrylic paint, Crayon, Alcohol markers on watercolor 300gsm paper. 
295 x 395 mm

Vilna Gates.png

Yos on a Bridge. 

Acrylic paint, Crayon, Alcohol markers on watercolor 300gsm paper. 
295 x 395 mm

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